What do we do with ex-Prime Ministers, you ask?
There's an easy solution to this:
Exile them all to a barren, isolated island.

According to CBC News' "What to do with ex-PMs and all that pent-up bile?", Canada's ex-prime ministers have become grumpy and overflowing with blame for everyone, but themselves. It's like a political game of Survivor. Those that play the game best, and win the hearts of Canadians, get to stay in power. Those who don't play fairly are voted out, but instead of being kicked off of an island, their punishment would involve being marooned on a remote island far away from content citizens. This way, they can take out all their aggression on their fellow ex-PMs. Such drama and gossip, for example Mulroney's blame on Trudeau for his "refusal, as a young man, to fight in World War II, and this while Jews were being exterminated", would be avoided. Really, why are they even grumpy in the first place? If they did their job to the best of their ability, they shouldn't be upset...although I guess if most of a country didn't like you, then it would be a bit of a blow to the ego. I think the real reason that they are so bitter about their ending of term is that they realized they didn't do what they promised the country and the citizens have called them on it. If they were at all human, then of course they'd feel crappy and probably lash out in uncontrolled anger. My proposed solution would help control their emotions and prevent them from lashing out on a national level. I suppose if they behave themselves for awhile, then they could be slowly re-introduced to society.
Also, for a small fee (per target)...exceptionally angry citizens could fly over the island and flail pies at any ex-Prime Minister(s) that they choose.
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